
时间:2017-01-27 作者:Iváncsik Krisztián





1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Pedro Coitinho 整理而成

您只需将产品的post ID与订单一起存储(最简单的方法是通过post_meta). 然后你可以运行WP_query 去拿所有的产品。


Multiple users





  • 钩住update_post 将表单保存到post_metapost_meta 在页面上
  • 假设您有一个具有以下形式的元盒:

         // lets get all your products saved as a serialized list
         // more on how thats done later
         $product_ids = get_post_meta( $post_id, \'product_ids\', true );
         // if no value, set default empty array
         if ( empty( $product_ids ) ) { 
           $product_ids = array();
         } else {
           // otherwise, deserialize the value
           $product_ids = explode( $product_ids, \',\' );
            Two things to note about this code:
            1. We are saving the IDs as a string, with ids separated by \',\'
            which we explode into an array to use
            2. We are using the post_meta \'single\' argument instead of 
            saving multiple metas and retrieving as array.
            You could do save multitple meta values, but it will use up more of 
            your database and is generally harder to maintain
       <table id="product_list">
         <?php foreach( $product_ids as $p_id ) : ?>
           <td><input type="text" name="product_id[]" value="<?php echo $p_id; ?>"></td>
         <?php endforeach; ?>
            - Each row has an input with the same name ( id[] ) 
            - Each input value must be a valid ID
            You have to use javascript to populate this table with new items
            which can be fetched using ajax through an input elsewhere in the page
            Note that to remove a field, just remove it from the DOM
            When saving, we\'ll overwrite the whole array, so any missing
            items won\'t be saved ... as if they were never there!
    你可以加入save_post. $_POST[ \'product_id\' ] 现在有一个包含所有帖子ID的数组。方便的

    function yourdomain_save_post( $post_id ) {
      // check we are updating your product CPT
      if ( get_post_type( $post_id ) != \'your_products_cpt\' ) { return; }
      // Parse the product id
      // make sure to check the values receieved, nonces, sanitization etc!
      $product_ids = join( $_POST[ \'product_id\' ], \',\' );
      // this will serialize your product IDs: "2,34,92,3"
      // So it can be used with the display code in the previous example
      // save the list
      update_post_meta( $post_id, \'product_ids\', $product_ids, true );

    // get comma separated string with product IDs
    $product_ids = get_post_meta( $post_id, \'product_ids\', true );
    // create WP_Query    
    $args = array(
      \'post_type\' => \'your_products_cpt\', 
      \'post__in\'  => $product_ids             // you can use a comma separated list
                                              // of IDs here ... coincidence..?
    $query = new WP_Query( $args );
    if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
      // pretty standard loop from now on
      // You\'re a pro at this I am sure!


    一旦这些项目就绪,您就可以开始添加更好的功能和UX,例如使用jQuery ui autocomplete和Ajax来搜索产品名称,在表中使用名称(ID为隐藏字段),显示产品图片。。。天空是极限。

    如果您想快速完成,请查看ACF relationship fields.

    还要花一些时间在药典中查找代谢箱和save post hooks

    对于Ajax,我总是指excelent article on Smashingmag





    一切都好吗<我需要wp-list-table 也要显示custom-fields 在每个custom-post 我有,但我不知道如何做到这一点,在这幅图中,它显示了带有字段的表格:Title, Author and Publication Date: 我想要的是能够选择custom-fields 将出现,例如以下示例Title, Carta, Naipe, Author, and Date of Publication: