我目前正在编辑一个附属插件。我在“我的帐户”中添加了附属插件作为选项卡,并使用该插件的短代码在那里显示内容。虽然当我点击下拉菜单并选择“Today”时,页面会重定向到一个没有“affiliate area”的URL,因此过滤器不起作用。如何编辑此内容以使过滤器正常工作?
加载时的当前网页输出:
从下拉列表中选择“今日”并单击“筛选”按钮时的网页输出:
* Graphs
* This class handles building pretty report graphs
* @package AffiliateWP
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2012, Pippin Williamson
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU Public License
* @since 1.0
// Exit if accessed directly
if ( ! defined( \'ABSPATH\' ) ) exit;
* Affiliate_WP_Graph Class
* @since 1.0
class Affiliate_WP_Graph {
Simple example:
data format for each point: array( location on x, location on y )
$data = array(
\'Label\' => array(
array( 1, 5 ),
array( 3, 8 ),
array( 10, 2 )
\'Second Label\' => array(
array( 1, 7 ),
array( 4, 5 ),
array( 12, 8 )
$graph = new Affiliate_WP_Graph( $data );
* Data to graph
* @var array
* @since 1.0
public $data;
* Unique ID for the graph
* @var string
* @since 1.0
public $id = \'\';
* Graph options
* @var array
* @since 1.0
public $options = array();
* Get things started
* @since 1.0
public function __construct( $_data = array() ) {
$this->data = $_data;
// Generate unique ID
$this->id = md5( rand() );
// Setup default options;
$this->options = array(
\'y_mode\' => null,
\'x_mode\' => null,
\'y_decimals\' => 0,
\'x_decimals\' => 0,
\'y_position\' => \'right\',
\'time_format\' => \'%d/%b\',
\'ticksize_unit\' => \'day\',
\'ticksize_num\' => 1,
\'multiple_y_axes\' => false,
\'bgcolor\' => \'#f9f9f9\',
\'bordercolor\' => \'#ccc\',
\'borderwidth\' => 2,
\'bars\' => false,
\'lines\' => true,
\'points\' => true,
\'currency\' => true,
\'show_controls\' => true,
* Set an option
* @param $key The option key to set
* @param $value The value to assign to the key
* @since 1.0
public function set( $key, $value ) {
if( \'data\' == $key ) {
$this->data = $_data;
} else {
$this->options[ $key ] = $value;
* Get an option
* @param $key The option key to get
* @since 1.0
public function get( $key ) {
return isset( $this->options[ $key ] ) ? $this->options[ $key ] : false;
* Get graph data
* @since 1.0
public function get_data() {
return apply_filters( \'affwp_get_graph_data\', $this->data, $this );
* Load the graphing library script
* @since 1.0
public function load_scripts() {
// Use minified libraries if SCRIPT_DEBUG is turned off
$suffix = ( defined( \'SCRIPT_DEBUG\' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) ? \'\' : \'.min\';
wp_enqueue_script( \'jquery-flot\', AFFILIATEWP_PLUGIN_URL . \'assets/js/jquery.flot\' . $suffix . \'.js\' );
if( $this->load_resize_script() ) {
wp_enqueue_script( \'jquery-flot-resize\', AFFILIATEWP_PLUGIN_URL . \'assets/js/jquery.flot.resize\' . $suffix . \'.js\' );
* Determines if the resize script should be loaded
* @since 1.1
public function load_resize_script() {
$ret = true;
// The DMS theme is known to cause some issues with the resize script
if( defined( \'DMS_CORE\' ) ) {
$ret = false;
return apply_filters( \'affwp_load_flot_resize\', $ret );
* Build the graph and return it as a string
* @var array
* @since 1.0
* @return string
public function build_graph() {
if ( function_exists( \'wp_add_inline_script\' ) ) {
wp_add_inline_script( \'jquery-flot\', $this->graph_js() );
} else {
// Back-compat for < WP 4.5.0.
wp_scripts()->add_data( \'jquery-flot\', \'after\', array(
wp_scripts()->get_data( \'jquery-flot\', \'after\' ),
) );
if ( false !== $this->get( \'show_controls\' ) ) {
echo $this->graph_controls();
?><div id="affwp-graph-<?php echo $this->id; ?>" class="affwp-graph" style="height: 300px; width:100%;"></div><?php
return ob_get_clean();
* Retrieves the Graph initialization JS for output inline.
* @access public
* @since 1.9.5
* @return string Graph JS output.
public function graph_js() {
$yaxis_count = 1;
var affwp_vars;
jQuery( document ).ready( function($) {
$("#affwp-graph-<?php echo $this->id; ?>"),
<?php foreach( $this->get_data() as $label => $data ) : ?>
label: "<?php echo esc_attr( $label ); ?>",
id: "<?php echo sanitize_key( $label ); ?>",
// data format is: [ point on x, value on y ]
data: [<?php foreach( $data as $point ) { echo \'[\' . implode( \',\', $point ) . \'],\'; } ?>],
points: {
show: <?php echo $this->options[\'points\'] ? \'true\' : \'false\'; ?>,
bars: {
show: <?php echo $this->options[\'bars\'] ? \'true\' : \'false\'; ?>,
barWidth: 2,
align: \'center\'
lines: {
show: <?php echo $this->options[\'lines\'] ? \'true\' : \'false\'; ?>
<?php if( $this->options[ \'multiple_y_axes\' ] ) : ?>
yaxis: <?php echo $yaxis_count; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $yaxis_count++; endforeach; ?>
// Options
grid: {
show: true,
aboveData: false,
backgroundColor: "<?php echo $this->options[ \'bgcolor\' ]; ?>",
borderColor: "<?php echo $this->options[ \'bordercolor\' ]; ?>",
borderWidth: <?php echo absint( $this->options[ \'borderwidth\' ] ); ?>,
clickable: false,
hoverable: true
xaxis: {
mode: "<?php echo $this->options[\'x_mode\']; ?>",
timeFormat: "<?php echo $this->options[\'x_mode\'] == \'time\' ? $this->options[\'time_format\'] : \'\'; ?>",
tickSize: "<?php echo $this->options[\'x_mode\'] == \'time\' ? \'\' : 1; ?>",
<?php if( $this->options[\'x_mode\'] != \'time\' ) : ?>
tickDecimals: <?php echo $this->options[\'x_decimals\']; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
yaxis: {
position: \'right\',
min: 0,
mode: "<?php echo $this->options[\'y_mode\']; ?>",
timeFormat: "<?php echo $this->options[\'y_mode\'] == \'time\' ? $this->options[\'time_format\'] : \'\'; ?>",
<?php if( $this->options[\'y_mode\'] != \'time\' ) : ?>
tickDecimals: <?php echo $this->options[\'y_decimals\']; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
function affwp_flot_tooltip(x, y, contents) {
$(\'<div id="affwp-flot-tooltip">\' + contents + \'</div>\').css( {
position: \'absolute\',
display: \'none\',
top: y + 5,
left: x + 5,
border: \'1px solid #fdd\',
padding: \'2px\',
\'background-color\': \'#fee\',
opacity: 0.80
var previousPoint = null;
$("#affwp-graph-<?php echo $this->id; ?>").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) {
previousPoint = item.dataIndex;
var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2),
y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
<?php if( $this->get( \'currency\' ) ) : ?>
if( affwp_vars.currency_pos == \'before\' ) {
affwp_flot_tooltip( item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + \' \' + affwp_vars.currency_sign + y );
} else {
affwp_flot_tooltip( item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + \' \' + y + affwp_vars.currency_sign );
<?php else : ?>
affwp_flot_tooltip( item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + \' \' + y );
<?php endif; ?>
} else {
previousPoint = null;
$( \'#affwp-graphs-date-options\' ).change( function() {
var $this = $(this);
if( $this.val() == \'other\' ) {
$( \'#affwp-date-range-options\' ).css(\'display\', \'inline-block\');
} else {
$( \'#affwp-date-range-options\' ).hide();
return ob_get_clean();
* Output the final graph
* @since 1.0
public function display() {
* Fires just prior to the graph output.
* @param stdClass $graph The graph object.
do_action( \'affwp_before_graph\', $this );
echo $this->build_graph();
* Fires immediately after the graph output.
* @param stdClass $graph The graph object.
do_action( \'affwp_after_graph\', $this );
* Show report graph date filters
* @since 1.0
* @return void
function graph_controls() {
$date_options = apply_filters( \'affwp_report_date_options\', array(
\'today\' => __( \'Today\', \'affiliate-wp\' ),
\'yesterday\' => __( \'Yesterday\', \'affiliate-wp\' ),
\'this_week\' => __( \'This Week\', \'affiliate-wp\' ),
\'last_week\' => __( \'Last Week\', \'affiliate-wp\' ),
\'this_month\' => __( \'This Month\', \'affiliate-wp\' ),
\'last_month\' => __( \'Last Month\', \'affiliate-wp\' ),
\'this_quarter\' => __( \'This Quarter\', \'affiliate-wp\' ),
\'last_quarter\' => __( \'Last Quarter\', \'affiliate-wp\' ),
\'this_year\' => __( \'This Year\', \'affiliate-wp\' ),
\'last_year\' => __( \'Last Year\', \'affiliate-wp\' ),
\'other\' => __( \'Custom\', \'affiliate-wp\' )
) );
$dates = affwp_get_report_dates();
$display = $dates[\'range\'] == \'other\' ? \'style="display:inline-block;"\' : \'style="display:none;"\';
$current_time = current_time( \'timestamp\' );
<form id="affwp-graphs-filter" method="get">
<div class="tablenav top">
<?php if( is_admin() ) : ?>
<?php $tab = isset( $_GET[\'tab\'] ) ? $_GET[\'tab\'] : \'referral\'; ?>
<?php $page = isset( $_GET[\'page\'] ) ? $_GET[\'page\'] : \'affiliate-wp\'; ?>
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $page ); ?>"/>
<?php else: ?>
<?php $tab = isset( $_GET[\'tab\'] ) ? $_GET[\'tab\'] : \'graphs\'; ?>
<input type="hidden" name="page_id" value="<?php echo esc_attr( get_the_ID() ); ?>"/>
<?php endif; ?>
<input type="hidden" name="tab" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $tab ); ?>"/>
<?php if( isset( $_GET[\'affiliate_id\'] ) ) : ?>
<input type="hidden" name="affiliate_id" value="<?php echo absint( $_GET[\'affiliate_id\'] ); ?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="view_affiliate"/>
<?php endif; ?>
<select id="affwp-graphs-date-options" name="range">
foreach ( $date_options as $key => $option ) {
echo \'<option value="\' . esc_attr( $key ) . \'" \' . selected( $key, $dates[\'range\'] ) . \'>\' . esc_html( $option ) . \'</option>\';
<div id="affwp-date-range-options" <?php echo $display; ?>>
$from = empty( $_REQUEST[\'filter_from\'] ) ? \'\' : $_REQUEST[\'filter_from\'];
$to = empty( $_REQUEST[\'filter_to\'] ) ? \'\' : $_REQUEST[\'filter_to\'];
<span class="affwp-search-date">
<span><?php _ex( \'From\', \'date filter\', \'affiliate-wp\' ); ?></span>
<input type="text" class="affwp-datepicker" autocomplete="off" name="filter_from" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( \'From - mm/dd/yyyy\', \'affiliate-wp\' ); ?>" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e( \'From - mm/dd/yyyy\', \'affiliate-wp\' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $from ); ?>" />
<span><?php _ex( \'To\', \'date filter\', \'affiliate-wp\' ); ?></span>
<input type="text" class="affwp-datepicker" autocomplete="off" name="filter_to" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( \'To - mm/dd/yyyy\', \'affiliate-wp\' ); ?>" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e( \'To - mm/dd/yyyy\', \'affiliate-wp\' ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $to ); ?>" />
<input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php _e( \'Filter\', \'affiliate-wp\' ); ?>"/>
* Sets up the dates used to filter graph data
* Date sent via $_GET is read first and then modified (if needed) to match the
* selected date-range (if any)
* @since 1.0
* @return array
function affwp_get_report_dates() {
$dates = array();
$current_time = current_time( \'timestamp\' );
$dates[\'date_from\'] = ! empty( $_REQUEST[\'filter_from\'] ) ? $_REQUEST[\'filter_from\'] : date( \'j/n/Y\', $current_time );
$dates[\'date_to\'] = ! empty( $_REQUEST[\'filter_to\'] ) ? $_REQUEST[\'filter_to\'] : date( \'j/n/Y\', $current_time );
$variable_from_time = ! empty( $_REQUEST[\'filter_from\'] ) ? strtotime( $dates[\'date_from\'] ) : $current_time;
$variable_to_time = ! empty( $_REQUEST[\'filter_to\'] ) ? strtotime( $dates[\'date_to\'] ) : $current_time;
$dates[\'range\'] = isset( $_GET[\'range\'] ) ? $_GET[\'range\'] : \'this_month\';
$dates[\'year\'] = isset( $_GET[\'year_start\'] ) ? $_GET[\'year_start\'] : date( \'Y\', $variable_from_time );
$dates[\'year_end\'] = isset( $_GET[\'year_end\'] ) ? $_GET[\'year_end\'] : date( \'Y\', $variable_to_time );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = isset( $_GET[\'m_start\'] ) ? $_GET[\'m_start\'] : date( \'n\', $variable_from_time );
$dates[\'m_end\'] = isset( $_GET[\'m_end\'] ) ? $_GET[\'m_end\'] : date( \'n\', $variable_to_time );
$dates[\'day\'] = isset( $_GET[\'day\'] ) ? $_GET[\'day\'] : date( \'d\', $variable_from_time );
$dates[\'day_end\'] = isset( $_GET[\'day_end\'] ) ? $_GET[\'day_end\'] : date( \'d\', $variable_to_time );
// Modify dates based on predefined ranges
switch ( $dates[\'range\'] ) :
case \'this_month\' :
$dates[\'day\'] = 1;
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, $dates[\'m_start\'], date( \'Y\', $current_time ) );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = date( \'n\', $current_time );
$dates[\'m_end\'] = date( \'n\', $current_time );
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
case \'last_month\' :
if( date( \'n\' ) == 1 ) {
$dates[\'day\'] = 1;
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, 12, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = 12;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = 12;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time ) - 1;
$dates[\'year_end\']= date( \'Y\', $current_time ) - 1;
} else {
$dates[\'day\'] = 1;
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, date( \'n\' ) - 1, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = date( \'n\' ) - 1;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = date( \'n\' ) - 1;
$dates[\'year_end\']= $dates[\'year\'];
case \'today\' :
$dates[\'day\'] = date( \'d\', $current_time );
$dates[\'day_end\'] = date( \'d\', $current_time );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = date( \'n\', $current_time );
$dates[\'m_end\'] = date( \'n\', $current_time );
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
case \'yesterday\' :
$month = date( \'n\', $current_time ) == 1 && date( \'d\', $current_time ) == 1 ? 12 : date( \'n\', $current_time );
$days_in_month = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) );
$yesterday = date( \'d\', $current_time ) == 1 ? $days_in_month : date( \'d\', $current_time ) - 1;
$dates[\'day\'] = $yesterday;
$dates[\'day_end\'] = $yesterday;
$dates[\'m_start\'] = $month;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = $month;
$dates[\'year\'] = $month == 1 && date( \'d\', $current_time ) == 1 ? date( \'Y\', $current_time ) - 1 : date( \'Y\', $current_time );
case \'this_week\' :
$dates[\'day\'] = date( \'d\', $current_time - ( date( \'w\', $current_time ) - 1 ) *60*60*24 ) - 1;
$dates[\'day\'] += get_option( \'start_of_week\' );
$dates[\'day_end\'] = $dates[\'day\'] + 6;
$dates[\'m_start\'] = date( \'n\', $current_time );
$dates[\'m_end\'] = date( \'n\', $current_time );
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
case \'last_week\' :
$dates[\'day\'] = date( \'d\', $current_time - ( date( \'w\' ) - 1 ) *60*60*24 ) - 8;
$dates[\'day\'] += get_option( \'start_of_week\' );
$dates[\'day_end\'] = $dates[\'day\'] + 6;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
if( date( \'j\', $current_time ) <= 7 ) {
$dates[\'m_start\'] = date( \'n\', $current_time ) - 1;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = date( \'n\', $current_time ) - 1;
if( $dates[\'m_start\'] <= 1 ) {
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time ) - 1;
$dates[\'year_end\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time ) - 1;
} else {
$dates[\'m_start\'] = date( \'n\', $current_time );
$dates[\'m_end\'] = date( \'n\', $current_time );
case \'this_quarter\' :
$month_now = date( \'n\', $current_time );
$dates[\'day\'] = 1;
if ( $month_now <= 3 ) {
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, 4, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = 1;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = 4;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
} else if ( $month_now <= 6 ) {
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, 7, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = 4;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = 7;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
} else if ( $month_now <= 9 ) {
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, 10, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = 7;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = 10;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
} else {
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, 1, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) + 1 );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = 10;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = 1;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
$dates[\'year_end\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time ) + 1;
case \'last_quarter\' :
$month_now = date( \'n\' );
$dates[\'day\'] = 1;
if ( $month_now <= 3 ) {
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, 9, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) - 1 );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = 10;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = 12;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time ) - 1; // Previous year
} else if ( $month_now <= 6 ) {
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, 3, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = 1;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = 3;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
} else if ( $month_now <= 9 ) {
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, 6, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = 4;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = 6;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
} else {
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, 9, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = 7;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = 9;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
case \'this_year\' :
$dates[\'day\'] = 1;
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, 12, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = 1;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = 12;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
$dates[\'year_end\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time );
case \'last_year\' :
$dates[\'day\'] = 1;
$dates[\'day_end\'] = cal_days_in_month( CAL_GREGORIAN, 12, date( \'Y\', $current_time ) - 1 );
$dates[\'m_start\'] = 1;
$dates[\'m_end\'] = 12;
$dates[\'year\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time ) - 1;
$dates[\'year_end\'] = date( \'Y\', $current_time ) - 1;
return apply_filters( \'affwp_report_dates\', $dates );