// Hook the function to the upload handler
// https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/wp_handle_upload/
add_filter(\'wp_handle_upload\', \'resize_image_after_upload\');
function resize_image_after_upload($image_data){
// Set to null to disable that width/height resizing
$max_width = 1920;
$max_height = 1920;
// Check if there is a valid file
if(empty($image_data[\'file\']) || empty($image_data[\'type\'])) {
return $image_data;
// NOTE: We are not resizing any gifs, to avoid resizing animated gifs
// (which I think is the most common gif nowadays)
$valid_types = array(\'image/png\',\'image/jpeg\',\'image/jpg\', \'image/webp\');
if(!in_array($image_data[\'type\'], $valid_types)) {
return $image_data;
// Get image image_editor
// https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_image_editor/
$image_editor = wp_get_image_editor($image_data[\'file\']);
if(is_wp_error($image_editor)) {
return $image_data;
// Check if the image editor supports the image type
if(!$image_editor->supports_mime_type($image_data[\'type\'])) {
return $image_data;
// Perform resizing
$sizes = $image_editor->get_size();
if((isset($sizes[\'width\']) && $sizes[\'width\'] > $max_width)
|| (isset($sizes[\'height\']) && $sizes[\'height\'] > $max_height)) {
// Resize, but do not crop
$image_editor->resize($max_width, $max_height, false);
// We will use the default recommended image quality
// Change, if you want to set a custom quality
return $image_data;
on my blog. 还有一个
plugin 对此,我个人更喜欢一个小片段。