// sample vars
$slug = \'my-post-slug\';
$card[\'img\'] = \'http://example.com/img1.jpg\';
$card[\'imgGold\'] = \'http://example.com/img2.jpg\';
// end sample vars
$images = \'\';
$images[] = $card[\'img\'];
$images[] = $card[\'imgGold\'];
foreach ( $images as $url ) {
// check if current url is for regular or gold image
if ( $card[\'imgGold\'] == $url ) {
$desc = $slug .\'-gold\';
} else {
$desc = $slug;
// check if attachment already exists
$attachment_args = array(
\'posts_per_page\' => 1,
\'post_type\' => \'attachment\',
\'name\' => $desc
$attachment_check = new Wp_Query( $attachment_args );
// if attachment exists, reuse and update data
if ( $attachment_check->have_posts() ) {
echo \'Attachment <strong>\'. $desc .\'</strong> found, omitting download...<br>\';
// do stuff..
// if attachment doesn\'t exist fetch it from url and save it
} else {
echo \'Attachment <strong>\'. $desc .\'</strong> not found, downloading...<br>\';
// handle image upload from url and assign to post
$src = media_sideload_image( $url, $post_id, $desc, \'src\' );
// add post meta
if ( $card[\'imgGold\'] == $url ) {
add_post_meta( $post_id, \'imgGold\', $src );
} else {
add_post_meta( $post_id, \'img\', $src );
} // end attachment exists
} // end foreach image
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Yogensia 整理而成
好的,我终于找到问题了!我试着给附件和母帖分配相同的slug,显然WordPress不会这样做。The "name" in the media library for the attachment was correct but the actual slug was getting a -2 at the end.
下面是固定代码making the image slugs unique:
// sample vars
$slug = \'my-post-slug\';
$card[\'img\'] = \'http://example.com/img1.jpg\';
$card[\'imgGold\'] = \'http://example.com/img2.jpg\';
// end sample vars
$images = \'\';
$images[] = $card[\'img\'];
$images[] = $card[\'imgGold\'];
foreach ( $images as $url ) {
// check if current url is for regular or gold image
if ( $card[\'imgGold\'] == $url ) {
$desc = $slug .\'-img-gold\';
} else {
$desc = $slug .\'-img\';
// check if attachment already exists
$attachment_args = array(
\'posts_per_page\' => 1,
\'post_type\' => \'attachment\',
\'name\' => $desc
$attachment_check = new Wp_Query( $attachment_args );
// if attachment exists, reuse and update data
if ( $attachment_check->have_posts() ) {
echo \'Attachment <strong>\'. $desc .\'</strong> found, omitting download...<br>\';
// do stuff..
// if attachment doesn\'t exist fetch it from url and save it
} else {
echo \'Attachment <strong>\'. $desc .\'</strong> not found, downloading...<br>\';
// handle image upload from url and assign to post
$src = media_sideload_image( $url, $post_id, $desc, \'src\' );
// add post meta
if ( $card[\'imgGold\'] == $url ) {
add_post_meta( $post_id, \'imgGold\', $src );
} else {
add_post_meta( $post_id, \'img\', $src );
} // end attachment exists
} // end foreach image