
时间:2017-06-28 作者:user7548188





这是jsfiddle 下拉菜单的。

// jQuery Template


jQuery(".shop-beauty-li").on(\'click\', function() {
  var value = jQuery(this).val();
  if (value) {
    jQuery("#ShopBeautyPage" + value).show();

// HTML Template

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="shop-beauty-drop">
  <span class="shop-beauty-span"></span>
  <ul class="shop-beauty-ul">
    <li class="shop-beauty-li" value="1">All</li>
    <li class="shop-beauty-li" value="2">Hair</li>
    <li class="shop-beauty-li" value="3">Makeup</li>  
    <li class="shop-beauty-li" value="4">Skin</li>  
    <li class="shop-beauty-li" value="5">Under $100</li>  

<div id="ShopBeautyPage1" class="shopbeautypage" style="">
  Content of page 1
<div id="ShopBeautyPage2" class="shopbeautypage" style="display:none">
  Content of page 2
<div id="ShopBeautyPage3" class="shopbeautypage" style="display:none">
  Content of page 3
<div id="ShopBeautyPage4" class="shopbeautypage" style="display:none">
  Content of page 4
<div id="ShopBeautyPage5" class="shopbeautypage" style="display:none">
  Content of page 5

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Johansson 整理而成



// Initiate our widget, when WordPress is firing the widgets
add_action( \'widgets_init\', \'my_custom_widget\' );
function my_custom_widget() {
    // Some custom name for the widget
    register_widget( \'create_my_widget\' );  

// Extend the WP_Widget class
class create_my_widget extends WP_Widget {

    // Let\'s set a name and ID for our widget
    function __construct() {
            \'create_my_widget\', // Widget\'s ID
            __(\'My Custom Widget\', \'photogram\'), // Widget\'s Title in the back-end
            array( \'description\' => __( \'Widget Description in the admin panel\', \'photogram\' ), ) 

    // This is the front-end of our widget
    public function widget( $args, $instance ) {
        // Filter for our widget\'s title, in case we need to change it later
        $title = apply_filters( \'widget_title\', $instance[\'title\'] );
        // This is an example value to use in our widget
        $value = apply_filters( \'widget_title\', $instance[\'value\'] );
        // If widget has no data, then do nothing
        if(!isset($value)) return; 
        // We output the widget\'s title and "before" argument
        echo $args[\'before_widget\'];
        if ( ! empty( $title ) )
        echo $args[\'before_title\'] . $title . $args[\'after_title\'];
        // Now, here is the place to code and output the actual HTML

        echo \'Your HTML content goes here\';

        // Now, we close the widget
        echo $args[\'after_widget\'];

    // This is to add the data in the back-end
    public function form( $instance ) {
        // Set the title of our widget, if it\'s not set. Remember, this is for front-end
        if ( isset( $instance[ \'title\' ] ) ) {
            $title = $instance[ \'title\' ];
        } else {
            $title = __( \'My Widget Title\', \'photogram\' );

        //Remember the value? We give it a default value if it\'s not set. This happens when you save a widget
        if ( isset( $instance[ \'value\' ] ) ) {
            $value = $instance[ \'value\' ];
        } else {
            $value =\'Some default value\';
        } ?>
        <!-- Now, the place to add content to our widget in the back-end. The first field is for title, the second one is... whatever we want. -->
            <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( \'title\' ); ?>"><?php _e( \'Title:\' ); ?></label> 
            <input id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( \'title\' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( \'title\' ); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $title ); ?>" />
            <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( \'value\' ); ?>"><?php _e( \'Value:\' ); ?></label> 
            <input id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( \'value\' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( \'value\' ); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?>" />
    // Updating widget replacing old instances with new
    public function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) {
        $instance = array();
        $instance[\'title\'] = ( ! empty( $new_instance[\'title\'] ) ) ? strip_tags( $new_instance[\'title\'] ) : \'\';
        $instance[\'value\'] = ( ! empty( $new_instance[\'value\'] ) ) ? strip_tags( $new_instance[\'value\'] ) : \'\';
        return $instance;
现在,你的脚本我们通过使用小部件输出一些HTML并向其中添加一些数据。现在,要将脚本和样式添加到网站,您应该使用wp_enqueue_scripts. 将脚本存储在一些js文件中,将样式存储在一些CSS文件中。然后,让他们排队:

function my_widget_scripts(){
    // Enqueue your styles
    // And your script


if ( ! class_exists( \'my_Custom_plugin\' ) ) {
    class my_Custom_plugin {
        public function __construct() {
            // We only need to register the admin panel on the back-end
            if ( is_admin() ) {
                add_action( \'admin_menu\', array( \'my_Custom_plugin\', \'my_plugin_add_admin_menu\' ) );
                add_action( \'admin_init\', array( \'my_Custom_plugin\', \'custom_plugin_register_settings\' ) );
        // Returns all plugin options 
        public static function get_my_custom_plugin() {
            return get_option( \'my_custom_plugin\' );
        // Returns single plugin option
        public static function my_plugin_get_theme_option_value( $id ) {
            $options = self::get_my_custom_plugin();
            if ( isset( $options[$id] ) ) {
                return $options[$id];
        // Add sub menu page
        public static function my_plugin_add_admin_menu() {
                esc_html__( \'Plugin Options\', \'text-domain\' ),
                esc_html__( \'Plugin Options\', \'text-domain\' ),
                array( \'my_Custom_plugin\', \'plugin_create_admin_page\' )
        // Register a setting and its sanitization callback.
        public static function custom_plugin_register_settings() {
            register_setting( \'my_custom_plugin\', \'my_custom_plugin\', array( \'my_Custom_plugin\', \'custom_plugin_sanitize\' ) );
        // Sanitization callback
        public static function custom_plugin_sanitize( $options ) {
            // If we have options lets sanitize them
            if ( $options ) {
                // Checkbox sanitize
                if ( ! empty( $options[\'checkbox_input\'] ) ) {
                    $options[\'checkbox_input\'] = \'on\';
                } else {
                    $options[\'checkbox_input\'] = \'off\'; 
                // Input sanitize
                if ( ! empty( $options[\'text_input\'] ) ) {
                    $options[\'text_input\'] = sanitize_text_field( $options[\'text_input\'] );
                } else {
                    unset( $options[\'text_input\'] ); // Remove from options if empty
            // Return sanitized options
            return $options;
        // Settings page output
        public static function plugin_create_admin_page() { ?>
            <div class="wrap">
                <div class="page-header">
                    <h1><?php esc_html_e( \'Plugin Options\', \'text-domain\' ); ?></h1>
                <?php settings_errors(); ?>
                <form method="post" action="options.php">
                    <?php settings_fields( \'my_custom_plugin\' ); ?>
                    <div class="panel panel-default">
                        <table class="form-table">
                                // This is a sample checkbox ?>
                                    <th scope="row">
                                        <?php esc_html_e( \'Sample Checkbox\', \'text-domain\' ); ?>
                                        <?php $value = self::my_plugin_get_theme_option_value( \'checkbox_input\' ); ?>
                                        <label for="sample-checkbox"><?php esc_html_e( \'Sample Checkbox\', \'text-domain\' ); ?></label>
                                        <input id="sample-checkbox" type="text" name="my_custom_plugin[checkbox_input]" <?php checked( $value, \'on\' ); ?> />
                                // And this is a sample text input ?>
                                    <th scope="row">
                                        <?php esc_html_e( \'Sample Text\', \'text-domain\' ); ?>
                                        <?php $value = self::my_plugin_get_theme_option_value( \'text_input\' ); ?>
                                        <label for="sample-input"><?php esc_html_e( \'Sample Checkbox\', \'text-domain\' ); ?></label>
                                        <input type="text" name="my_custom_plugin[text_input]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $value ); ?>"> 
                    <?php submit_button(); ?>
        <?php }
new my_Custom_plugin();
// Helper function to use in theme to return a theme option value
function get_my_custom_plugin_value( $id = \'\' ) {
    return my_Custom_plugin::my_plugin_get_theme_option_value( $id );

id必须等于输入的名称,在本例中text_inputcheckbox_input. 这些数据稍后将用于塑造HTML。


Plugin Name: Sample Plugin
Description: Some description
Author: Your name
Version: 1.0
Author URI: Your website URL

// Now we create our HTML

function create_my_html(){
    // Write your HTML structure here. Whenever you need a value,
    // use get_my_custom_plugin_value() to add it to your HTMl.


// After creating the HTML, you should include the class in your plugin,
// to add the options. It can be pasted here.

// Now, enqueue your CSS and JS files, the way I mentioned above
一切都完成了。你现在可以打电话create_my_html(); 在模板中,可以在任何需要的地方输出HTML。别忘了使用echo, 如果返回数据而不是打印数据。此外,请将其与function_exists() 要确保禁用插件后主题不会中断,请执行以下操作:

if (function_exists(create_my_html())) {
    echo create_my_html();



merge wordpress plugins

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