我有一个“日期”分类法,列出了一年中的所有月份。我有一个自定义字段“start\\u date”。我想动态更新“日期”分类法,以便用户在设置帖子时不需要同时单击这两个分类法。到目前为止,我的努力还没有取得成果。我做错了什么?
* Check value of date, set date taxonomy on post save, then show admin notice
* @param string $id post id
* @return void
function trip_location_post_published_notification( $ID, $post ) {
// get acf value of start date
$date = get_field( \'start_date\', $ID );
// get the month off the beginning of the string (ex. 11/01/2017), 11 is month
$moNum = explode(\'/\',$date);
$moNum = $moNum[0];
$moList = array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
$monthName = $moList[$moNum];
// set taxonomy to this post ID
// setup notice message via WP_Error class?
if ( $date ) {
$notice = new WP_Error(\'date_notice\',\'This trip location start date month is set to \'.$monthName);
} else {
$notice = new WP_Error(\'date_notice\',\'You did not set a trip start date.\');
add_filter(\'redirect_post_location\', function( $location ) use ( $notice) {
return add_query_arg( \'date_notice\', $notice->get_error_code(), $location );
// now add an admin notice
add_action( \'admin_notices\', \'tax_date_set_notice\' );
function tax_date_set_notice(){
if ( array_key_exists( \'date_notice\', $_GET) ) {
$notice = $_GET[\'date_notice\'];
<div class="update-nag notice is-dismissable">
<p><?php _e( $notice, \'mydomain\' ); ?></p>
add_action( \'save_post_trip-location\', \'trip_location_post_published_notification\', 12, 2 );
最合适的回答,由SO网友:mattbru 整理而成
// Admin Custom JS
add_action(\'admin_head\', \'admin_custom_js\');
function admin_custom_js() {
// update date (month) taxonomy term on change of start date acf field
var $startDateInput = $(\'div[data-name="start_date"] input\');
if ($startDateInput.length) {
var val = $(this).val();
var moList = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];
if (val === \'\'){
} else {
var moNum = val.substr(0,2);
moNum = moNum.replace(\'0\',\'\');
moNum = Number(moNum) - 1;
var moName = moList[moNum];
var termVal = $(\'#datechecklist\').find(\'label:contains("\'+moName+\'")\').find(\'input\').val();
var msg = \'Start date month set to \'+moName;
$(\'#datechecklist input\').prop(\'checked\',false);
$(\'div[data-name="start_date"] .acf-label p\').remove();
$(\'div[data-name="start_date"] label\').after(\'<p class="description" style="font-weight:bold;color: #0a81d2">\'+msg+\'</p>\');