
编辑:这是针对自定义帖子类型“Prefore”上的自定义分类“Prefort\\u class”我已经粘贴了用于下面当前功能的整个类,该类是从this.
// limit teachers to their own classes
class FVPD_Teacher_Class_Restriction {
private $user_classes = NULL;
// activation hook
public function add_teacher_capability_categories() {
$role = get_role("teacher" );
// deactivation hook
public function remove_teacher_capability_categories() {
$role = get_role("teacher");
// construct the class
public function __construct() {
// get the current page
global $pagenow;
// save the author ID for classes
add_action("create_preschool_class", array(&$this, "save_class_author"));
// set manage_categories capability for "teacher"
add_action("admin_init", array(&$this, "add_teacher_capability_categories"));
// remove manage_categories capability for "teacher"
register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, "remove_teacher_capability_categories"));
// filter classes in new-post, edit-post, edit-tags
add_action("admin_print_scripts-post-new.php", array(&$this, "filter_post_page"));
add_action("admin_print_scripts-post.php", array(&$this, "filter_post_page"));
add_action("admin_print_scripts-edit-tags.php", array(&$this, "filter_post_page"));
// filter classes in the tag cloud
add_filter("get_terms", array(&$this, "filter_tag_cloud"), 10, 4);
// only show the current users posts
if ($pagenow === "edit.php") {
add_filter("pre_get_posts", array(&$this, "filter_edit_page"));
add_action("current_screen", function ($current_screen) {
if ($current_screen->id === "edit-preschool") {
add_filter("views_{$current_screen->id}", array(&$this, "list_table_views_filter"));
}, 20);
} elseif ($pagenow === "edit-tags.php") {
if (isset($_GET["taxonomy"]) && $_GET["taxonomy"] === "preschool_class") {
// fix the pagination...
public function list_table_views_filter(array $views) {
// return if the currently logged in user isn\'t a teacher
if (!current_user_can("teacher")) {
return $views;
// correct views so that they\'re associted to the currently logged in user
foreach ($views as $view => $link) {
if ($view === "all" && isset($views["mine"])) {
} elseif ($view === "mine") {
$views[$view] = preg_replace("/Mine/", "All", $link);
} elseif ($view === "publish") {
$current_user_published_posts = get_posts(array(
"author" => get_current_user_id(),
"fields" => "ids",
"post_type" => "preschool",
"post_status" => "publish",
"posts_per_page" => -1,
if (count($current_user_published_posts) > 0) {
$views[$view] = preg_replace("/(\\([0-9]+\\))/", "(" . count($current_user_published_posts) . ")", $link);
} else {
} elseif ($view === "draft") {
$current_user_draft_posts = get_posts(array(
"author" => get_current_user_id(),
"fields" => "ids",
"post_type" => "preschool",
"post_status" => "draft",
"posts_per_page" => -1,
if (count($current_user_draft_posts) > 0) {
$views[$view] = preg_replace("/(\\([0-9]+\\))/", "(" . count($current_user_draft_posts) . ")", $link);
} else {
} elseif ($view === "private") {
$current_user_private_posts = get_posts(array(
"author" => get_current_user_id(),
"fields" => "ids",
"post_type" => "preschool",
"post_status" => "private",
"posts_per_page" => -1,
if (count($current_user_private_posts) > 0) {
$views[$view] = preg_replace("/(\\([0-9]+\\))/", "(" . count($current_user_private_posts) . ")", $link);
} else {
return $views;
// save "author" meta tag whenever a term is saved
public function save_class_author($term_id) {
add_term_meta($term_id, "author", get_current_user_id());
// get classes associated to the currently logged in user
public function get_user_classes($user_id) {
$terms = get_terms("preschool_class", array(
"hide_empty" => false,
"meta_query" => array(array(
"key" => "author",
"value" => $user_id,
$ids = "-1,";
foreach ($terms as $term ) {
$ids .= "{$term->term_id},";
$this->user_classes = substr($ids, 0, -1);
// SQL query to exclude any terms not associated to the currently logged in user
public function exclusions($exclusions) {
$exclusions .= " AND (t.term_id IN ($this->user_classes) OR tt.taxonomy NOT IN (\'preschool_class\'))";
return $exclusions;
// filter out any terms not associated to the currently logged in user on the "new post" page
public function filter_post_page() {
// return if the currently logged in user isn\'t a teacher or the post type isn\'t preschool
if (!current_user_can("teacher") || get_current_screen()->post_type !== "preschool") {
// get classes associated ot the currently logged in user
// stop filtering if no classes are found
if (empty($this->user_classes)) {
add_filter("list_terms_exclusions", array(&$this, "exclusions"));
// only display the classes associated to the currently logged in user
public function filter_tag_cloud($terms, $taxonomies, $args, $term_query) {
// ensure the currently logged in user is a teacher, is in the admin interface, and is requesting tags via AJAX
if (current_user_can("teacher") && is_admin() && isset($_POST["action"]) && $_POST["action"] === "get-tagcloud") {
$args["meta_query"] = array(array(
"key" => "author",
"value" => get_current_user_id(),
$terms = $term_query->query($args);
return $terms;
return $terms;
// filter out any posts not associated to the currently logged in user on the "all posts" page
public function filter_edit_page($query) {
// return if the currently logged in user isn\'t a teacher
if (!current_user_can("teacher")) {
$query->set("author", get_current_user_id());
return $query;
new FVPD_Teacher_Class_Restriction();
add_filter("list_terms_exclusions", array(&$this, "exclusions"));
" AND (t.term_id IN ($this->user_classes) OR tt.taxonomy NOT IN (\'preschool_class\'))"