
时间:2018-04-09 作者:Zeth




|-- Ninja Turtles
|      |--Turtles
|      |    |--Raphael
|      |    |--Leonardo
|      |    |--Donatello
|      |    |--Michelangelo
|      |
|      |--Other
|           |--Splinter
|           |--Shredder    
|-- Painters
|      |--Rococo
|      |    |--Jean-Antoine Watteau
|      |    |--Francois Boucher
|      |
|      |--Renaissance
|           |--Raphael
|           |--Donatello
|           |--Michelangelo
然后我想用the exact same 结构(也包括子/父关系):

我的计划是在functions.php 把它挂在save_post-钩因此,每次保存一个页面时,它都会遍历所有页面,查看是否存在具有该名称的类别,如果没有,则创建该类别。但我遇到了两个问题:

没有调用内置函数get_category_by_name() (仅限_by_slug, _by_path_by_id). Raphael, 有两种不同的含义)。因此,每次我有一个页面时,我必须找到一个按标题匹配的类别(以某种方式),然后检查类别的父标题是否与页面的父标题匹配。为了使功能更加完美,我必须一直这样做到根类别/页面


1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Zeth 整理而成



Generate a list of the pages that should be emitted from getting a category created

function generate_the_excluded_array() {

    global $excluded_pages;
    $excluded_pages = array(); // Add all pages with the search-template
    $search_pages = get_pages(array(
        \'meta_key\' => \'_wp_page_template\',
        \'meta_value\' => \'page-search.php\'

    $excluded_pages[] = get_option( \'page_on_front\' ); // Add home page
    foreach($search_pages as $page){
        // Add all pages that has the search-page-template activated
        $excluded_pages[] = $page->ID;
add_action( \'after_setup_theme\', \'generate_the_excluded_array\' );

Upon save, - then get a list of all pages and iterate through them

function custom_set_category_on_cpt() {

    global $page_category_mapping;
    global $excluded_pages;
    $local_excluded_pages = implode(\', \', $excluded_pages );

    $pages_args = array(
        \'sort_order\' => \'asc\',
        \'sort_column\' => \'post_title\',
        \'hierarchical\' => 1,
        \'exclude\' => $local_excluded_pages,
        \'include\' => \'\',
        \'meta_key\' => \'\',
        \'meta_value\' => \'\',
        \'authors\' => \'\',
        \'child_of\' => 0,
        \'parent\' => 0,
        \'exclude_tree\' => \'\',
        \'number\' => \'\',
        \'offset\' => 0,
        \'post_type\' => \'page\',
        \'post_status\' => \'publish\'
    $pages = get_pages( $pages_args );
    foreach( $pages as $page ){
        custom_create_category_and_check_for_page_children( $page, 0 );
    purge_categories(); // A function for deleting categories that don\'t have a corresponding page.

add_action( \'save_post\', \'custom_set_category_on_cpt\' );

A function for purging the categories

function purge_categories( $page_category_mapping_) {

    global $page_category_mapping;

    $category_args = array(
        \'hide_empty\' => 0,
        \'exclude\' => array(1),
    $categories = get_categories( $category_args );
    foreach($categories as $category){

        $category_args = array(
            \'name\' => $category->name,
            \'hide_empty\' => false,
            \'parent\' => $category->category_parent
        $category_array = get_terms( \'category\', $category_args );
        $page_ID_with_corresponding_name = \'\';

        foreach ( $page_category_mapping as $key => $val ) {
            if( $category_array[0]->term_id === $val[ \'category_ID\' ] ){
                $page_ID_with_corresponding_name = $key;
        if( empty( $page_ID_with_corresponding_name ) ) {
            wp_delete_category( $category_array[0]->term_id );

A function for determining if a page has children or not

function custom_page_has_children( $post_ID ) {
    $children = get_pages( array( \'child_of\' => $post_ID ) );
    if( count( $children ) == 0 ) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
function purge_categories( $page_category_mapping_) {

    global $page_category_mapping;

    $category_args = array(
        \'hide_empty\' => 0,
        \'exclude\' => array(1),
    $categories = get_categories( $category_args );
    foreach($categories as $category){

        $category_args = array(
            \'name\' => $category->name,
            \'hide_empty\' => false,
            \'parent\' => $category->category_parent
        $category_array = get_terms( \'category\', $category_args );
        $page_ID_with_corresponding_name = \'\';

        foreach ( $page_category_mapping as $key => $val ) {
            if( $category_array[0]->term_id === $val[ \'category_ID\' ] ){
                $page_ID_with_corresponding_name = $key;
        if( empty( $page_ID_with_corresponding_name ) ) {
            wp_delete_category( $category_array[0]->term_id );

function custom_create_category_for_page( $page ){

    global $page_category_mapping;
    if( $page->post_parent == 0 ){
        $categorys_parents_ID = 0;
    } else {
        $categorys_parents_ID = $page_category_mapping[ $page->post_parent ][\'category_ID\'];

    $category_args = array(
        \'name\' => $page->post_title,
        \'hide_empty\' => false,
        \'parent\' => $categorys_parents_ID
    $category_array = get_terms( \'category\', $category_args );
    $category_ID = $category_array[0]->term_id;

    if( empty( $category_array) ) {
        $category_ID = wp_create_category( $page->post_title, $categorys_parents_ID );

    if ( ! array_key_exists( $page->ID, $page_category_mapping ) ){
        $page_category_mapping[ $page->ID ] = array(
            \'category_ID\' => $category_ID,
            \'category_parent_ID\' => $categorys_parents_ID

Creating a page-to-category-mapping, to be utilized other places

function build_page_category_mapping() {

    global $excluded_pages;
    $local_excluded_pages = implode(\', \', $excluded_pages );
    // Initializing empty array
    $page_category_mapping = array();

    $pages_args = array(
        \'sort_order\'   => \'asc\',
        \'sort_column\'  => \'post_title\',
        \'hierarchical\' => 1,
        \'exclude\'      => $local_excluded_pages,
        \'include\'      => \'\',
        \'meta_key\'     => \'\',
        \'meta_value\'   => \'\',
        \'authors\'      => \'\',
        \'child_of\'     => 0,
        \'parent\'       => - 1,
        \'exclude_tree\' => \'\',
        \'number\'       => \'\',
        \'offset\'       => 0,
        \'post_type\'    => \'page\',
        \'post_status\'  => \'publish\'

    $all_pages = get_pages( $pages_args );
    foreach ( $all_pages as $page ) {
        $page_ancestors_array = get_ancestors( $page->ID, \'page\', \'post_type\' );
        $page_depth = count( $page_ancestors_array );
//      echo \'<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />\';
//      echo $page->post_title . \' is the post title<br />\';
//      echo \'Depth: \' . $page_depth . \'<br />\';
        if ( $page_depth == 0 ) {
            $page_parent_ID = 0;
            $page_parent_name = null;
            $categorys_parents_ID = 0;
        } elseif ( $page_depth == 1 ){
            $page_parent_ID = $page_ancestors_array[0];
            $page_parent_name = get_post( $page_parent_ID )->post_title;

            $parent_category_args = array(
                \'name\' => $page_parent_name,
                \'hide_empty\' => false,
                \'parent\' => 0
            $categorys_parents= get_terms( \'category\', $parent_category_args );
            $categorys_parents_ID = $categorys_parents[0]->term_id;

        }   else {
            // Depth > 1
            $page_ancestors_array = array_reverse( $page_ancestors_array );

            // Two variables to determine how deep in the tree \'we\'ve gotten\'.
            $pages_temp_topmost = -1;
            $pages_temp_nextonedown = -1;
            $page_parent_name = \'\';

            $i = 0; // Iteration counter

            $find_the_right_category_array = array(); // Array for the output (category ancestry).
            foreach ( $page_ancestors_array as $ancestor ) {
                if( $pages_temp_topmost === -1 && $pages_temp_nextonedown === -1 ){
                    $pages_temp_topmost = $ancestor;

                    $ancestor_category_args = array(
                        \'name\' => get_post( $ancestor )->post_title,
                        \'hide_empty\' => false,
                        \'parent\' => 0
                    $ancestor_category_array = get_terms( \'category\', $ancestor_category_args );

                    if( count( $ancestor_category_array ) == 1){
                        $find_the_right_category_array[ $i ] = $ancestor_category_array[0];
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception("Exception code: 1 - This shouldn\'t be possible, -     but several categories was found with that parent and name");
                } elseif ( $pages_temp_topmost != -1 && $pages_temp_nextonedown === -1 ) {
                    $pages_temp_nextonedown = $ancestor;
                    $temp_var = (int) ($i - 1);
                    $ancestor_category_args = array(
                        \'name\' => get_post( $ancestor )->post_title,
                        \'hide_empty\' => false,
                        \'parent\' => $find_the_right_category_array[ $temp_var ]->term_id
                    $ancestor_category_array = get_terms( \'category\', $ancestor_category_args );

                    if( count( $ancestor_category_array ) == 1){
                        $find_the_right_category_array[ $i ] = $ancestor_category_array[0];
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception("Exception code: 2 - This shouldn\'t be possible, -     but several categories was found with that parent and name");
                } else {
                    $temp_var = (int) ($i - 1);
                    $ancestor_category_args = array(
                        \'name\' => get_post( $ancestor )->post_title,
                        \'hide_empty\' => false,
                        \'parent\' => $find_the_right_category_array[ $temp_var ]->term_id
                    $ancestor_category_array = get_terms( \'category\', $ancestor_category_args );
                    if( count( $ancestor_category_array ) == 1){
                        $find_the_right_category_array[ $i ] = $ancestor_category_array[0];
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception("Exception code: 3 - This shouldn\'t be possible, -     but several categories was found with that parent and name");
                $i += 1;
        $key = key( $find_the_right_category_array );
        $categorys_parents_ID = $find_the_right_category_array[ $key ]->term_id;

        $category_args = array(
            \'name\' => $page->post_title,
            \'hide_empty\' => false,
            \'parent\' => $categorys_parents_ID

        $category_array = get_terms( \'category\', $category_args );
        // Since that can only return one category, then we can do the following:

        $category_ID = $category_array[0]->term_id;
//      echo \'<pre>\';
//      echo \'Page: \' . $page->ID . \' - with the name: \' . $page->post_title . \' <br />\';
//      echo \'Pages parent \' . $page_parent_ID . \' - with the name: \' . $page_parent_name . \' <br     />\';
//      echo \'Category: \' . $category_ID . \' - with the name: \' . $page->post_title . \' <br />\';
//      echo \'Categorys parent: \' . $categorys_parents_ID;
//      echo \'</pre>\';

        if ( ! array_key_exists( $page->ID, $page_category_mapping ) ){
            $page_category_mapping[ $page->ID ] = array(
                \'category_ID\' => $category_ID,
                \'category_parent_ID\' => $categorys_parents_ID

    return $page_category_mapping;
add_action( \'init\', \'build_page_category_mapping\' );

// This might be redundant, but I\'m not sure. 
global $page_category_mapping;
$page_category_mapping = build_page_category_mapping();
