
时间:2018-08-07 作者:Christine Johnson

我一直在尝试将一些社交媒体图标(class=“penci topbar social”)移动到wp_nav_menu 元素,我被难住了。我尝试将社交媒体代码移到wp_nav_menu 数组,但这不起作用。我想我必须在functions.php 例如add_filter, 但我不确定从哪里开始。这是php的标题,如果我们还需要发布functions.php:

 * Top bar template
 * Options for it in Customize > Top Bar Options & Colors For Top Bar
 * @since 1.0
<div class="penci-top-bar<?php if( get_theme_mod( 
\'penci_top_bar_hide_social\' ) ): echo \' no-social\'; endif; if( get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_enable_menu\' ) ): echo \' topbar-menu\'; endif; if( get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_full_width\' ) ): echo \' topbar-fullwidth\'; endif; ?>">
<div class="container">
    <div class="penci-headline" role="navigation" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/SiteNavigationElement">

        if( get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_enable_menu\' ) ):
             * Display topbar menu
            wp_nav_menu( array(
                \'container\'      => false,
                \'theme_location\' => \'topbar-menu\',
                \'menu_class\'     => \'penci-topbar-menu\',
                \'fallback_cb\'    => \'wp_page_menu\',
                \'walker\'         => \'\'
            ) );
        endif; /* End check if topbar is enable */

        <?php if( penci_get_setting( \'penci_top_bar_custom_text\' ) && ! get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_enable_menu\' ) ) { ?>
            <span class="headline-title"><?php echo penci_get_setting( \'penci_top_bar_custom_text\' ); ?></span>
        <?php } ?>

        <?php if( ! get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_hide_social\' ) ): ?>
            <div class="penci-topbar-social">
                <?php include( trailingslashit( get_template_directory() ). \'inc/modules/socials.php\' ); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

        if( ! get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_enable_menu\' ) ):
             * Display headline slider
            $number_posts = get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_posts_per_page\' ) ? get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_posts_per_page\' ) : 10;
            $topbar_cat = get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_category\' );
            $topbar_sort = get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_display_by\' );
            $args = array(
                \'post_type\' => \'post\',
                \'posts_per_page\'    =>  $number_posts

            if( ! get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_tags\' ) || get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_filter_by\' ) != \'tags\' ) {
                if ( $topbar_cat ):
                    $args[\'cat\'] = $topbar_cat;
            } elseif ( get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_tags\' ) && get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_filter_by\' ) == \'tags\' ) {
                $list_tag = get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_tags\' );
                $list_tag_trim = str_replace( \' \', \'\', $list_tag );
                $list_tags = explode( \',\', $list_tag_trim );
                $args[\'tax_query\'] = array(
                        \'taxonomy\' => \'post_tag\',
                        \'field\'    => \'slug\',
                        \'terms\'    => $list_tags

            if( $topbar_sort == \'all\' ) {
                $args[\'meta_key\'] = \'penci_post_views_count\';
                $args[\'orderby\'] = \'meta_value_num\';
                $args[\'order\'] = \'DESC\';
            } elseif( $topbar_sort == \'week\' ) {
                $args[\'meta_key\'] = \'penci_post_week_views_count\';
                $args[\'orderby\'] = \'meta_value_num\';
                $args[\'order\'] = \'DESC\';
            } elseif( $topbar_sort == \'month\' ) {
                $args[\'meta_key\'] = \'penci_post_month_views_count\';
                $args[\'orderby\'] = \'meta_value_num\';
                $args[\'order\'] = \'DESC\';

            $news = new WP_Query( $args );
            if( $news->have_posts() ):
                $auto_play = \'true\';
                if( get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_posts_autoplay\' ) ): $auto_play = \'false\'; endif;
                $auto_time = get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_auto_time\' );
                $auto_speed = get_theme_mod( \'penci_top_bar_auto_speed\' );
                $auto_time = ( is_numeric( $auto_time ) && $auto_time > 0 ) ? $auto_time : \'3000\';
                $auto_speed = ( is_numeric( $auto_speed ) && $auto_speed > 0 ) ? $auto_speed : \'200\';
                <div class="penci-owl-carousel penci-owl-carousel-slider penci-headline-posts" data-auto="<?php echo $auto_play; ?>" data-autotime="<?php echo absint( $auto_time ); ?>" data-speed="<?php echo absint( $auto_speed ); ?>">
                    <?php while( $news->have_posts() ): $news->the_post();
                        $title_full = get_the_title();
                            <a class="penci-topbar-post-title" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo sanitize_text_field( wp_trim_words( get_the_title(), 8, \'...\' ) ); ?></a>
                    <?php endwhile; wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
            <?php endif; /* End check if no posts */?>
        <?php endif; /* End check if topbar menu is enable */?>

这是我试图操纵的菜单的图像The original navbar

Where I am trying to move the social media icons

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:danielmcclure 整理而成


.penci-topbar-social {



Slider's missing navigation

我安装了BuddyPress和Easy FancyBox,还安装了carouFredSel滑块(不是WordPress插件)。启用这两个插件后,滑块将停止正常工作(导航项目符号丢失)。这可能是某种jQuery冲突吗?这是标题。php:http://pastebin.com/eBLpFBZ9 下面是带有滑块的页面:http://adamklimowski.pl/chamois/提前感谢您提供的任何帮助。