add_filter( \'wp_mail\', \'my_wp_mail_filter\' );
function my_wp_mail_filter( $args ) {
// Get the site admin email.
$admin_email = get_option( \'admin_email\' );
// What string are we looking for in the body?
$needle = "New comment on your post";
// Is this a new comment notification email?
// Check for "New comment on your post" in body of message.
if ( strpos( $args[\'message\'], $needle ) ) {
// If this is a new comment notification, who is it going to?
// Check to see if the "to" address is not the admin.
if ( $args[\'to\'] != $admin_email ) {
// This message is going to someone OTHER THAN the admin.
// Return an empty array (dump all content, so email fails).
return array();
// Otherwise return unfiltered (so process can continue).
return $args;