filter 以及manage_{$post_type}_posts_custom_column
function wp2342412_add_updated_by_column( $columns ) {
// Ensure your column isn\'t already set.
if ( isset( $columns[\'updated_by\'] ) ) {
return $columns;
// Add your column to the end of the columns definition:
$columns[\'updated_by\'] = __( \'Updated By\', \'your-text-domain\' );
return $columns;
* If you want to insert your column elsewhere, it\'s a bit more involved.
* This example will insert the column after the Author column.
* N.B.: You\'ll need to remove lines 20 and 21 to get here!
// Find the index of the author column, and add 1 to put our column *after* it.
$author_idx = array_search( \'author\', array_keys( $columns ) ) + 1;
$beginning = array_slice( $columns, 0, $author_idx, true );
$custom_column = [ \'updated_by\' => __( \'Updated By\', \'your-text-domain\' ) ];
$ending = array_slice( $columns, $author_idx, NULL, true );
$columns = $beginning + $custom_column + $ending;
return $columns;
add_filter( \'manage_post_posts_columns\', \'wp2342412_add_updated_by_column\', 10 );
function wp432523_populate_updated_by_column( $column_name, $post_id ) {
// Ensure we only operate on our custom column.
if ( \'updated_by\' !== $column_name ) {
echo esc_html( get_the_modified_author( $post_id ) );
// Or, comment out the above two lines (39 and 40) and get *fancy*
$post = get_post( $post_id );
$url = add_query_arg( [
\'post_type\' => $post->post_type,
\'author\' => $post->_edit_last ?: $post->post_author,
] );
echo sprintf( \'<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>\', $url, get_the_modified_author( $post_id ) );
add_action( \'manage_post_posts_custom_column\', \'wp432523_populate_updated_by_column\', 10, 2 );