
时间:2019-02-21 作者:Jamie Hutber

Right now my page load file size is 350mb... for a website...

The reason is that the gallery is loading in the full size 4000px+ images when they are actually a mere 250px in the page:

enter image description here

Is it possible to display the smallest thumbmail, or even the large image until the user clicks on the image.

I know PHP but I don\'t know Wordpress, so I would be happy to write this myself if I could understand where to make these changes.

Thanks guys :)

1 个回复


我有个好消息。WordPress负责创建图像缩略图。您可以添加新尺寸或使用烘焙的拇指/中/大尺寸。你只要打电话wp_get_attachment_image() 只要图像在媒体库中,就可以使用图像大小。

要为缩略图添加新的图像大小吗?呼叫add_image_size() 宽度/高度以及是否应裁剪或调整大小。