如OP注释中所述,函数remove\\u coups()位于文件woocommerce Subscriptions/includes/class WC Subscriptions-Coupon中的class WC\\u Subscriptions\\u-Coupon中。php正在删除不是“Recurtive\\u fee”或“Recurtive\\u percent”的优惠券。没有添加我们可以点击的过滤器来分配我们自己的定制优惠券类型,因此似乎没有任何机会超越这一点。
为了解决这个问题,我们可以使用与remove\\u tuops()方法相同的代码创建自己的过滤器,在本例中称为remove\\u tuops\\u custom(),然后以与原始类中相同的方式添加此过滤器。
但原始方法仍在运行,并将删除我们的优惠券,因此我们需要通过添加remove\\u操作(“woocommerce\\u before\\u calculate\\u totals”,“WC\\u Subscriptions\\u优惠券::remove\\u优惠券”,10)从运行中删除原始筛选器;在新功能的顶部。
function remove_coupons_custom( $cart )
// Remove original action added by WC_Subscriptions_Coupon class
remove_action( \'woocommerce_before_calculate_totals\', \'WC_Subscriptions_Coupon::remove_coupons\', 10 );
// Create WC_Subscriptions_Coupon instance so we can replace self reference below in original method
$WC_Subscriptions_Coupon = new WC_Subscriptions_Coupon;
$calculation_type = WC_Subscriptions_Cart::get_calculation_type();
// Only hook when totals are being calculated completely (on cart & checkout pages)
if ( \'none\' == $calculation_type || ! WC_Subscriptions_Cart::cart_contains_subscription() || ( ! is_checkout() && ! is_cart() && ! defined( \'WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT\' ) && ! defined( \'WOOCOMMERCE_CART\' ) ) ) {
$applied_coupons = $cart->get_applied_coupons();
// If we\'re calculating a sign-up fee or recurring fee only amount, remove irrelevant coupons
if ( ! empty( $applied_coupons ) ) {
// Keep track of which coupons, if any, need to be reapplied immediately
$coupons_to_reapply = array();
foreach ( $applied_coupons as $coupon_code ) {
$coupon = new WC_Coupon( $coupon_code );
$coupon_type = wcs_get_coupon_property( $coupon, \'discount_type\' );
if ( in_array( $coupon_type, array( \'recurring_fee\', \'recurring_percent\', \'sign_up_and_recurring_percent\' ) ) ) { // always apply coupons to their specific calculation case
if ( \'recurring_total\' == $calculation_type ) {
$coupons_to_reapply[] = $coupon_code;
} elseif ( \'none\' == $calculation_type && ! WC_Subscriptions_Cart::all_cart_items_have_free_trial() ) { // sometimes apply recurring coupons to initial total
$coupons_to_reapply[] = $coupon_code;
} else {
$WC_Subscriptions_Coupon::$removed_coupons[] = $coupon_code;
} elseif ( ( \'none\' == $calculation_type ) && ! in_array( $coupon_type, array( \'recurring_fee\', \'recurring_percent\' ) ) ) { // apply all coupons to the first payment
$coupons_to_reapply[] = $coupon_code;
} else {
$WC_Subscriptions_Coupon::$removed_coupons[] = $coupon_code;
// Now remove all coupons (WC only provides a function to remove all coupons)
// And re-apply those which relate to this calculation
$cart->applied_coupons = $coupons_to_reapply;
if ( isset( $cart->coupons ) ) { // WC 2.3+
$cart->coupons = $cart->get_coupons();
add_action( \'woocommerce_before_calculate_totals\', \'remove_coupons_custom\', 10 );