
时间:2019-06-22 作者:Michael Rogers


1 个回复
SO网友:Celso Bessa

正如@Jacob所提到的,是一个在许多上下文中使用的通用实用函数,因此,您可能希望使用其他方法,或者有选择地通过其他钩子钩住它$post 对象(例如。edit_post 或以其他方式定义所编辑的帖子是否为页面类型。


    // sanitizing function.
    function wpse341230_remove_false_words($slug) {
        if (!is_admin()) return $slug;
        $keys_false = array(\'a\',\'and\',\'above\',\'the\',\'also\');
        $slug = explode (\'-\', $slug);
        $slug = array_diff($slug,$keys_false);
        return implode (\'-\', $slug);

    // array of post types where sanitizing function should be hooked;
    $types = array(

    // hook the following function a hook with $post object. e.g. edit_post or save_post.
    add_action(\'edit_post\',\'wpse341230_hook_sanitize_title\', 10, 2);

    // this function checks if the post type is one we want to sanitize the title.
    function wpse341230_hook_sanitize_title($post_ID, $post, $types){
        // if the $post->post_type property is in the array of types for sanitizing, hook the sanitizing function
        if( in_array($post->post_type, $types) ){
我建议在的管理页面请求部分检查操作中运行的可用挂钩this documentation page 检查通常可用的挂钩。