. 您的自定义角色将无权编辑这些角色。
然后,您将创建“cat”的CPT。您应该查看注册CPT的所有选项,因为您可能不需要所有选项,但有些选项可能很方便,如“menu\\u icon”,它设置出现在wp admin左侧边栏中的图标,还有一些选项是必需的,如“rewrite”,它是您需要在所需URL上设置它们的,以及“capabilities”,它是您将用来限制谁可以访问什么。您还需要决定在“支持”中添加什么内容-此示例包括标题、编辑器和缩略图(特色图像)。
/* Plugin Name: WPSE custom post types
// on init, create a custom post type called Cat
add_action(\'init\', \'wpse_create_post_types\');
function wpse_create_post_types() {
// Capabilities: this is how you\'ll enable some users to edit, delete, etc.
$capabilities = array(
\'edit_post\' => \'edit_cat\',
\'read_post\' => \'read_cat\',
\'delete_post\' => \'delete_cat\',
\'create_posts\' => \'create_cats\',
\'delete_posts\' => \'delete_cats\',
\'delete_others_posts\' => \'delete_others_cats\',
\'delete_private_posts\' => \'delete_private_cats\',
\'delete_published_posts\' => \'delete_published_cats\',
\'edit_posts\' => \'edit_cats\',
\'edit_others_posts\' => \'edit_others_cats\',
\'edit_private_posts\' => \'edit_private_cats\',
\'edit_published_posts\' => \'edit_published_cats\',
\'publish_posts\' => \'publish_news\',
\'read_private_posts\' => \'read_private_news\'
// Other CPT arguments
$args = array(
// Important: make sure to include the next 2 args for capabilities
\'map_meta_cap\' => true,
\'capabilities\' => $capabilities,
// Important: make sure to set the rewrite to your desired archive URL
\'rewrite\' => array(\'slug\' => \'animals/carnivores/cats\'),
// You can adjust the other args as needed
\'public\' => true,
\'has_archive\' => true,
\'hierarchical\' => false,
\'supports\' => array(\'title\', \'editor\', \'thumbnail\')
// Actually create the post type
register_post_type(\'cat\', $args);
// \'cat_author\' is a slug, \'Custom Author Cats\' is how you will see this role in wp-admin
add_role(\'cat_author\', \'Custom Author Cats\', array(
// You may or may not want to give them all these capabilities.
// For example you could let them publish but not delete.
\'delete_cats\' => true,
\'create_cats\' => true,
\'delete_cats\' => true,
\'delete_others_cats\' => true,
\'delete_private_cats\' => true,
\'delete_published_cats\' => true,
\'edit_cats\' => true,
\'edit_others_cats\' => true,
\'edit_private_cats\' => true,
\'edit_published_cats\' => true,
\'publish_cats\' => true,
\'read_private_cats\' => true,
// If you want them to be able to upload files and read on the front end,
// make sure to include the following 2 capabilities:
\'read\' => true,
\'upload_files\' => true
add_action(\'admin_init\', \'wpse_add_admin_caps\');
function wpse_add_admin_caps() {
$role = get_role(\'administrator\');