如果使用过滤器“the\\u content”,则可以使用以下组合preg_...
语句循环所有链接,将target=“\\u blank”添加到符合您特定需求的链接中。可以将此筛选器添加到函数中。php,或选择页面、帖子或类别templates .
add_filter( \'the_content\', \'ex1_the_content_filter\' );
function ex1_the_content_filter($content) {
// finds all links in your content
preg_match_all(\'/(\\<a href=.*?a>)/\',$content,$matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// loop through all matches
foreach($matches as $m){
// potential link to be replaced...
$toReplace = $m[0];
// if current link does not already have target="{whatever}"
// You can add whatever additional "IF" you require to this one
if (!preg_match(\'/target\\s*\\=/\',$toReplace)){
// adds target="_blank" to the current link
$replacement = preg_replace(\'/(\\<a.*?)(\\>)(.*?\\/a\\>.*?)/\',\'$1 target="_blank"$2$3\',$toReplace);
// replaces the current link with the $replacement string
$content = str_ireplace($toReplace,$replacement,$content);
return $content;