通过REST API更新页面上的链接

时间:2019-08-22 作者:memilanuk


我已经通过“应用程序密码”插件设置了身份验证,并且我能够从api中为所讨论的页面下载json。我有一个包含新文件位置的预构建字符串,可以使用了。我将页面内容,特别是“呈现”版本,提取为字符串。我做了一个快速replace() 在两个已知标记之间的字符串上(<h4>) 然后将修改后的“呈现”页面内容重新加载回json,并将其上载回端点,再次使用requests().



[2019年8月21日00:12:51 UTC]PHP警告:在/home1/example/public\\u html/wp includes/rest api/class wp rest请求中为foreach()提供的参数无效。php在线778


import base64, json, requests

user = \'admin\'
pythonapp = \'QUDM PYFn xfyK 9Hhe Ayf2 hk6k\'
url = \'https://example.com/wp-json/wp/v2\'

data_string = user + \':\' + pythonapp

token = base64.b64encode(data_string.encode())

headers = {\'Authorization\':\'Basic \' + token.decode(\'utf8\')}

newsletterURL = \'http://www.example.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/lorem-ipsum.pdf\'
oldH4 = \'<h4><a href="http://www.example.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/NCWGC-2019-8.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label=" (opens in a new tab)">Click here to download the newsletter!!!</a></h4>\'
newH4 = \'<h4><a href="\' + newsletterURL + \'" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" aria-label=" (opens in a new tab)">Click here to download the newsletter!!!</a></h4>\'

#  Download the current Newsletter page
r = requests.get(url + \'/pages/6\', headers=headers)

tmp = r.json()

oldPageContent = tmp[\'content\'][\'rendered\']
# print(oldPageContent.partition(\'</h4>\')[0])

newPageContent = oldPageContent.replace(oldH4, newH4)
# print(newPageContent.partition(\'</h4>\')[0])

tmp[\'content\'][\'rendered\'] = newPageContent
# print(tmp[\'content\'][\'rendered\'].partition(\'</h4>\')[0])

r = requests.post(url + \'/pages/6\', headers=headers, json=tmp)

# print(json.loads(r.content.decode(\'utf8\'))[\'content\'][\'rendered\'].partition(\'</h4>\')

"content": {
    "rendered": "\\n<h4><a href=\\"http://www.example.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/NCWGC-2019-8.pdf\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noreferrer noopener\\" aria-label=\\" (opens in a new tab)\\">Click here to download the newsletter!!!</a></h4>\\n\\n\\n\\n<p>Submissions for the newsletter are always welcome. Space is somewhat limited so keep \\u2019em short and sweet!",
    "protected": false

我在想也许我应该json.dumps/loads 获取[\'content\'][\'rendered\'] 而不仅仅是r.json()? 虽然当我打印出结果字符串时,它们看起来确实像是对的。。。

有没有关于通过REST api更新页面的想法/建议?还是我完全错了?




import base64, json, re, requests

user = \'admin\'
pythonapp = \'QUDM PYFn xfyK 9Hhe Ayf2 hk6k\'
url = \'https://example.com/wp-json/wp/v2\'

data_string = user + \':\' + pythonapp

token = base64.b64encode(data_string.encode())

headers = {\'Authorization\':\'Basic \' + token.decode(\'utf8\')}

#  Temporary URL for the sake of testing
newsletterURL = \'http://www.example.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/lorem-ipsum.pdf\'

#  Download the current Newsletter page
r = requests.get(url + \'/pages/6\', headers=headers)

#  Extract the actual page content from all the rest of the API data
data = r.json()
content = data[\'content\'][\'rendered\']

#  Find the URL for the download in \'content\', and replace it with the new URL
regex = r"(http(s)?)://(www.)?(example.com\\/wp-content/uploads\\/).+(pdf)"
newContent = re.sub(regex, newsletterURL,content)

#  Create a new data payload using the updated \'content\'
data = {"content": newContent}

#  Upload it back to the site
r = requests.post(url + \'/pages/6\', headers=headers, json=data)

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:Sally CJ 整理而成

The problem is with your POST request, where the content property should be a plain string 而不是一个物体。You should also send just the data that you want to change.

更新页面时(例如,类型为page), 您应该提供一个JSON编码的或URL编码的字符串,其中包含一个或多个列出的属性/参数here.

使用的示例cURL 从命令行提示:

URL编码(Content-Type 标题为application/x-www-form-urlencoded):

curl -d "title=New%20Title!&content=New%20Content%3F" -X POST https://example.com/wp-json/wp/v2/pages/9 --user "admin:QUDM PYFn xfyK 9Hhe Ayf2 hk6k"

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\\"title\\":\\"New Title!\\",\\"content\\":\\"New Content?\\"}" -X POST https://example.com/wp-json/wp/v2/pages/9 --user "admin:QUDM PYFn xfyK 9Hhe Ayf2 hk6k"


tmp[\'content\'][\'rendered\'] = newPageContent

tmp = { \'content\': newPageContent }
但您当然可以添加其他要更改的属性;e、 g。titlestatus.


import base64, json, requests

user = \'admin\'
pythonapp = \'QUDM PYFn xfyK 9Hhe Ayf2 hk6k\'
url = \'https://example.com/wp-json/wp/v2\'

data_string = user + \':\' + pythonapp
token = base64.b64encode( data_string.encode() )
headers = { \'Authorization\': \'Basic \' + token.decode( \'utf8\' ) }

# Create a Page.
data = { \'title\': \'Testing from Python\' }
r = requests.post( url + \'/pages/\', headers=headers, json=data )
data = r.json()
page_id = str( data[\'id\'] )
print \'Page created. ID: \' + page_id

# Retrieve the Page.
r = requests.get( url + \'/pages/\' + page_id, headers=headers )
data = r.json()
title = data[\'title\'][\'rendered\']
print \'Page #\' + page_id + \' retrieved. The title is: \' + title

# Update the Page.
data = { \'content\': \'New content here\' }
r = requests.post( url + \'/pages/\' + page_id, headers=headers, json=data )
data = r.json()
content = data[\'content\'][\'rendered\']
print \'Page #\' + page_id + \' updated. Content set to: \' + content

# Delete the Page.
r = requests.delete( url + \'/pages/\' + page_id, headers=headers )
data = r.json()
print \'Page #\' + page_id + \' moved to the Trash. (Well, it should be...)\'
print \'The Page "status" is \' + data[\'status\']