, 因此,要设置样式,只需将样式表(首选)或内联代码与您自己的样式规则排队即可。因此,创建您的style-login.css
function my_custom_login_stylesheet() {
wp_enqueue_style( \'custom-login\', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . \'/style-login.css\' );
add_action( \'login_enqueue_scripts\', \'my_custom_login_stylesheet\' );
UPDATE / ADDENDUM:以下是有关如何添加自定义模板和分配页面以替换默认WP admin屏幕(如注释中所要求)的详细细分:
function notices_enqueue_front() {
global $pagenow, $typenow, $post;
/* In my plugin, I actually have this part set up as plugin settings.
* In the plugin settings you assign which page you want as the login page and which one you
* want as the registration page. For the purpose of this example though, we\'ll just hard code
* the page IDs. You can extrapolate this list for every one of the screens available.
* So you can add one for the Forgot Password screen, error screens, etc.
* You have to create pages in WordPress, then get the page IDs. You don\'t have to publish the pages yet.
$loginPage = 723;
$registrationPage = 748;
if( $loginPage == $post->ID ) {
/* So if your LOGIN page ID matches the ID of the page being viewed, it will enqueue the custom login css. */
wp_enqueue_style( \'custom-login\', plugins_url( \'css/custom-login-front.css\', __DIR__ ), array(), \'x.x\' ); //update x.x as version
if( $registrationPage == $post->ID ) {
/* So if your REGISTRARION page ID matches the ID of the page being viewed, it will enqueue the custom login css. */
wp_enqueue_style( \'custom-registration\', plugins_url( \'css/custom-registration-front.css\', __DIR__ ), array(), \'x.x\' ); //update x.x as version
/* I have the CSS in separate files, but you could just do one single file and re-use it, if that\'s the case, you can abandone the lines above and
* just use the following 3 lines, uncommented, instead: */
//if( $registrationPage == $post->ID || $loginPage == $post->ID ) {
//wp_enqueue_style( \'custom-notices\', plugins_url( \'css/custom-notices-front.css\', __DIR__ ), array(), \'x.x\' );
add_action( \'wp_enqueue_scripts\', \'notices_enqueue_front\', 100 );
/* The next step is to include the templates into the theme as options that can be assigned to a page.
* Because I built this as a plugin, it doesn\'t happen just by including them in the theme directory the way it does with a theme.
* If you\'re doing all of this in a functions.php file in a child theme, you can skip/leave out the next part.
function notices_page_template( $page_templates, $theme, $post ) {
/* You would simply include all of your different templates in this list following the same pattern.
* This ensures that when you\'re making a Page, these templates are available to be loaded into the Template drop down. */
$page_templates[\'template-login.php\'] = \'Login Page\';
$page_templates[\'template-register.php\'] = \'Registration Page\';
return $page_templates;
add_filter( \'theme_page_templates\', \'notices_page_template\', 10, 3 );
function notices_load_page_template( $template ) {
global $post;
/* Again, repeat this set-up for each of the custom templates you make. */
$login_template_slug = \'template-login.php\';
$register_template_slug = \'template-register.php\';
$page_template_slug = get_page_template_slug( $post->ID );
if( $page_template_slug == $login_template_slug ) {
/* I have my templates in a \'templates\' directory, make sure you match the correct directory path here. */
return plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . \'templates/\' . $login_template_slug;
if( $page_template_slug == $register_template_slug ) {
/* I have my templates in a \'templates\' directory, make sure you match the correct directory path here. */
return plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . \'templates/\' . $register_template_slug;
return $template;
add_filter( \'template_include\', \'notices_load_page_template\', 99 );
/* Reminder: Both of the functions above are if you have a plugin.
* If you have a theme, you can just drop your templates in the main theme folder and they will load. */
/* This next section is where we capture users navigating to the default WordPress screens in question and re-direct them to our assigned pages instead. */
function notices_template_redirects() {
global $pagenow;
/* As with the first function, this leverages something I set up as plugin settings - we\'ll just hard-code the page IDs here though.
* You\'ll want to repeat this process for each of the pages you want to redirect to a custom template. */
$loginPage = 723;
$loginPageURL = get_the_permalink( $loginPage );
$registrationPage = 748;
$registrationPageURL = get_the_permalink( $registrationPage );
/* Now, I have special rules for what to do with different user levels and if users are logged in or not.
* You can strip this down to a basic process for everyone.
* Or even adjust and add other levels to the rules. */
if( !is_user_logged_in() ) :
/* $pagenow returns the actual file, like \'login.php\'.
* But it excludes the query parameters, like \'?action=whatever\', so you\'ll see how I address that. */
if( !empty( $loginPage ) && ( strtolower( $pagenow ) == \'wp-login.php\' ) ) : /* No query parameters. */
wp_redirect( $loginPageURL );
/* The WP registration page\'s URL is \'login.php?action=register\', so here\'s how I check for that: */
if( !empty( $registrationPage ) && ( strtolower( $pagenow ) == \'wp-login.php\' ) && ( strtolower( $_GET[\'action\'] ) == \'register\' ) ) :
wp_redirect( home_url( $registrationPageURL ) );
else :
/* But if the users ARE logged in, I still want the admins to:
* A) be redirected to the WP Dashboard
* B) still be able to view the registration form, for testing and for guiding users through the registration process. */
if( current_user_can( \'administrator\' ) ) :
if( !empty( $loginPage ) && ( strtolower( $pagenow ) == \'wp-login.php\' ) ) :
wp_redirect( admin_url() ); /* To WP Dashboard */
if( !empty( $registrationPage ) && ( strtolower( $pagenow ) == \'wp-login.php\' ) && ( strtolower( $_GET[\'action\'] ) == \'register\' ) ) :
wp_redirect( home_url( $registrationPageURL ) ); /* Redirects to the custom Registration page. */
else :
/* But for all other user levels, if you\'re already logged in, accessing the login screen takes you to the home page. */
if( !empty( $loginPage ) && ( strtolower( $pagenow ) == \'wp-login.php\' ) ) :
wp_redirect( home_url() );
/* And if non-admin user tries to access the registration, while logged in, it redirects them to the home page. */
if( !empty( $registrationPage ) && ( strtolower( $pagenow ) == \'wp-login.php\' ) && ( strtolower( $_GET[\'action\'] ) == \'register\' ) ) :
wp_redirect( home_url() );
add_filter( \'init\', \'notices_template_redirects\' );
/* In the above function, you\'ll basically have to create a unique redirect rule for each of the default WP pages you want to address.
* So you\'ll need one for the \'forgot password\', another for any \'error\' notices, etc. */
. 在插件中,将其放置在上面在
* Template Name: Login Page (The \'Template Name:\' comment line must remain in the file, WP needs it. You can remove my note and the note below.)
* Displays front end, user friendly, non-WP login dialogue
/* This will load the theme\'s default header. You can actually create multiple headers for your theme, but that\'s a whole other thing. */
<!-- the following is basic WP login code you can delete this comment -->
<div class="login-modal">
<form name="loginform" id="loginform" action="<?php echo home_url( \'wp-login.php\' ); ?>" method="post">
<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
<label for="user_login">Username or Email Address <span class="required">*</span></label>
<input type="text" name="log" id="user_login" aria-describedby="login_error" class="input" value="" size="20" autocomplete="username" />
<label for="user_pass">Password <span class="required">*</span></label>
<input type="password" name="pwd" id="user_pass" aria-describedby="login_error" class="input" value="" size="20" autocomplete="current-password" />
<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="wp-submit" id="wp-submit" class="button alt" value="Log In" />
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo esc_url( home_url() ); ?>" />
/* This will load the theme\'s default footer. You can actually create multiple footers for your theme, but that\'s a whole other thing. */
/* It\'s important to note that you HAVE TO put in the content for each of these pages.
* Since you\'re replacing the default WP login.php function/file, it won\'t know what content to display, you have to provide that.
* You can actually hard code the content in each template. Something like "Error: You don\'t have access to this page."
* Or you can type it in as content in the WP editor and then call the content with the_content();.
* So before you start replacing the the WP defaults, make note of what is displayed and write out what you want it to be.
* That way you don\'t end up with blank pages loading instead of notices, logins, etc. */