
时间:2021-02-03 作者:Tristissya

我用ACF创建了一个可过滤的库。我的问题是,当我添加一个添加了多个分类法的项目时,在我的图库中,我拥有该项目的次数与添加分类法的次数相同。除此之外,我希望该项目只在库中出现一次,但出现在选择分类的所有过滤器中。enter image description here

<div id="filters" class="col-3">
    <ul class="nav">
        <li data-filter="all" class="filter active">Tous les projets</li>
        // 1. On définit les argument pour définir ce que l\'on souhaite récupérer
        $args = array (
                \'post_type\' => \'projet\'

        $terms_id = [];
        // 2. On execute la WP query
        $my_query = new WP_Query( $args );
        // 3. On lance la boucle
        if ($my_query->have_posts()) : while($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
        $categories_du_projet = get_field( \'categories_du_projet\' );     
        if ( $categories_du_projet ) : ?>
            <?php foreach ( $categories_du_projet as $term ) : 
                if (!in_array($term->term_id, $terms_id)) :
                array_push($terms_id, $term->term_id); 
            <li data-filter="<?= esc_html( $term->slug ); ?>" class="filter"><?= esc_html( $term->name ); ?></li>
        <?php endif; endforeach; endif; endwhile; endif;
        // 4. On réinitialise la requete principale

<div id="elements" class="col-9">
        // 1. On définit les argument pour définir ce que l\'on souhaite récupérer
        $args = array (
            \'post_type\' => \'projet\'
        // 2. On execute la WP query
        $my_query = new WP_Query( $args );
        // 3. On lance la boucle
        if ($my_query->have_posts()) : while($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();

        $categories_du_projet = get_field( \'categories_du_projet\' );
        $image_du_projet = get_field( \'image_du_projet\' );
        $titre_du_projet = get_field( \'titre_du_projet\' ); 
        $titre_du_projet = preg_replace(\'/\\s+/\', \'_\', strtolower($titre_du_projet));

        $trigger_ID = \'trigger_\' . $arr_posts->current_post . \'_\' . get_the_ID();
        $modal_ID = \'modal_\' . $arr_posts->current_post . \'_\' . get_the_ID();
        $close_ID = \'close_\' . $arr_posts->current_post . \'_\' . get_the_ID();
        $image_ID = \'grandeImage_\' . $arr_posts->current_post . \'_\' . get_the_ID();

        $images = acf_photo_gallery(\'galerie_du_projet\', $post->ID);

        if ( $categories_du_projet ) :
            foreach ( $categories_du_projet as $term ) :
                if ( $image_du_projet ) :
                    <div class="<?= esc_html( $term->slug ); ?>">
                        <figure class="trigger" id="<?php echo $trigger_ID ?>">
                            <img src="<?php echo esc_url( $image_du_projet[\'url\'] ); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr( $image_du_projet[\'alt\'] ); ?>" />
                            <figcaption><?php the_field( \'titre_du_projet\' ); ?></figcaption>
                <?php endif; ?>
                <div class="modal" id="<?= $modal_ID ?>">
                    <div class="modal-content">
                        <span class="close-button" id="<?= $close_ID ?>">&times;</span>
                        <h2><?= get_field( \'titre_du_projet\' );  ?></h2>
                        <div class="row">
                            <div class="image">
                                <?php $image_du_projet = get_field( \'image_du_projet\' ); ?>
                                <?php if ( $image_du_projet ) : ?>
                                    <img class="<?= $image_ID; ?>" src="<?= esc_url( $image_du_projet[\'url\'] ); ?>" alt="<?= esc_attr( $image_du_projet[\'alt\'] ); ?>" />
                                <?php endif; ?>
                                <img class="grandeImage" />
                                <div class="row" id="gallery-full"> 
                                        //Check if return array has anything in it
                                        if( count($images) ):
                                            //Cool, we got some data so now let\'s loop over it
                                            foreach($images as $image):
                                                $id = $image[\'id\']; // The attachment id of the media
                                                $title = $image[\'title\']; //The title
                                                $caption= $image[\'caption\']; //The caption
                                                $full_image_url = $image[\'full_image_url\']; //Full size image url
                                                    //Resized size to 262px width by 160px height image url
                                                $thumbnail_image_url= $image[\'thumbnail_image_url\']; //Get the thumbnail size image url 150px by 150px
                                                $url= $image[\'url\']; //Goto any link when clicked
                                                $target= $image[\'target\']; //Open normal or new tab
                                                $alt = get_field(\'photo_gallery_alt\', $id); //Get the alt which is a extra field (See below how to add extra fields)
                                                $class = get_field(\'photo_gallery_class\', $id); //Get the class which is a extra field (See below how to add extra fields)
                                        <div class="thumbnail">
                                            <img id="image_<?= $id; ?>" src="<?= $full_image_url; ?>" alt="<?= $title; ?>">
                                    <?php endforeach; endif; ?>
                            <div class="description">
                                <p><?php the_field(\'description_du_projet\'); ?></p>

enter image description here这是我的var\\u dump($term),在这3张图片上,只有一张可以显示模式。我想在所有项目上只显示一张图片,当我选择3个过滤器中的一个时,可以单击它并显示模式

1 个回复
SO网友:Tony Djukic

与其获取所有图像ID,然后循环遍历并输出每个ID,不如先将它们收集到一个数组中,然后使用array_unique() 删除重复项。

        if( $categories_du_projet ) :
            foreach( $categories_du_projet as $term ) :
                if( $image_du_projet ) :
                    $image_array[] = $image_du_projet;
            $image_array = array_unique( $image_array );
            foreach( $image_array as $image_article ) :
                //now run your output method using $image_article rather than $image_du_projet
                //you\'ll probably have to change how you\'re obtaining things like the URL, ALT, etc.
我不确定的是$image_du_projet = get_field( \'image_du_projet\' ); 而这实际上得到了什么。我假设这是图像的ID。如果这是错误的,你可能需要修改一下。


$image_du_projet_id = $image_du_projet[\'ID\'];
$image_array[] = $image_du_projet_id;



一切都好吗<我需要wp-list-table 也要显示custom-fields 在每个custom-post 我有,但我不知道如何做到这一点,在这幅图中,它显示了带有字段的表格:Title, Author and Publication Date: 我想要的是能够选择custom-fields 将出现,例如以下示例Title, Carta, Naipe, Author, and Date of Publication: