您可以访问-How to assign specific users the capability to edit specific pages / posts / custom post types
首先:授予对项目的完全访问权限post type(Example).
然后,如果不允许post id,请使用下面的筛选器限制访问。
function allow_user_to_edit_cpt_filter( $capauser, $capask, $param){
global $wpdb;
$allowed_posts_id_for_current_user = array( \'29\', \'30\' ); // you need to get these ids yourself
$post = get_post( $param[2] );
// If current post isn\'t allowed then delete edit and delete capabilities
if( !in_array( $post->ID, $allowed_post_type_ids ) ){
if( ( $param[0] == "edit_projects") || ( $param[0] == "delete_projects" ) ) { // Change to yours capabilities
foreach( (array) $capask as $capasuppr) {
if ( array_key_exists($capasuppr, $capauser) ) {
$capauser[$capasuppr] = 0;
return $capauser;
add_filter(\'user_has_cap\', \'allow_user_to_edit_cpt_filter\', 100, 3 );
How to assign specific users the capability to edit specific pages / posts / custom post types