随着Meta一词的引入,WordPress 4+的这一点已经更新。代码被大量注释。
:: My Functions - functions.php ::
* Add new colorpicker field to "Add new Category" screen
* - https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/taxonomy_add_form_fields/
* @param String $taxonomy
* @return void
function colorpicker_field_add_new_category( $taxonomy ) {
<div class="form-field term-colorpicker-wrap">
<label for="term-colorpicker">Category Color</label>
<input name="_category_color" value="#ffffff" class="colorpicker" id="term-colorpicker" />
<p>This is the field description where you can tell the user how the color is used in the theme.</p>
add_action( \'category_add_form_fields\', \'colorpicker_field_add_new_category\' ); // Variable Hook Name
以下功能将把colorpicker字段添加到“Edit Category”(编辑类别)屏幕:
* Add new colopicker field to "Edit Category" screen
* - https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/taxonomy_add_form_fields/
* @param WP_Term_Object $term
* @return void
function colorpicker_field_edit_category( $term ) {
$color = get_term_meta( $term->term_id, \'_category_color\', true );
$color = ( ! empty( $color ) ) ? "#{$color}" : \'#ffffff\';
<tr class="form-field term-colorpicker-wrap">
<th scope="row"><label for="term-colorpicker">Severity Color</label></th>
<input name="_category_color" value="<?php echo $color; ?>" class="colorpicker" id="term-colorpicker" />
<p class="description">This is the field description where you can tell the user how the color is used in the theme.</p>
add_action( \'category_edit_form_fields\', \'colorpicker_field_edit_category\' ); // Variable Hook Name
* Term Metadata - Save Created and Edited Term Metadata
* - https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/created_taxonomy/
* - https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/edited_taxonomy/
* @param Integer $term_id
* @return void
function save_termmeta( $term_id ) {
// Save term color if possible
if( isset( $_POST[\'_category_color\'] ) && ! empty( $_POST[\'_category_color\'] ) ) {
update_term_meta( $term_id, \'_category_color\', sanitize_hex_color_no_hash( $_POST[\'_category_color\'] ) );
} else {
delete_term_meta( $term_id, \'_category_color\' );
add_action( \'created_category\', \'save_termmeta\' ); // Variable Hook Name
add_action( \'edited_category\', \'save_termmeta\' ); // Variable Hook Name
* Enqueue colorpicker styles and scripts.
* - https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/admin_enqueue_scripts/
* @return void
function category_colorpicker_enqueue( $taxonomy ) {
if( null !== ( $screen = get_current_screen() ) && \'edit-category\' !== $screen->id ) {
// Colorpicker Scripts
wp_enqueue_script( \'wp-color-picker\' );
// Colorpicker Styles
wp_enqueue_style( \'wp-color-picker\' );
add_action( \'admin_enqueue_scripts\', \'category_colorpicker_enqueue\' );
* Print javascript to initialize the colorpicker
* - https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/admin_print_scripts/
* @return void
function colorpicker_init_inline() {
if( null !== ( $screen = get_current_screen() ) && \'edit-category\' !== $screen->id ) {
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
$( \'.colorpicker\' ).wpColorPicker();
} ); // End Document Ready JQuery
add_action( \'admin_print_scripts\', \'colorpicker_init_inline\', 20 );