
时间:2015-02-04 作者:Jacob Raccuia

我正在传递一个变量$categorycategory__and, 除非$category = 0;

\'category__and\' => array(4) // works
\'category__and\' => array($category, 4) // works if category > 1
\'category__and\' => array(0, 4) // does not work.
我最初只是想用cat, 但是,如果帖子有第4类而不是第6类,它仍然会显示出来。这就是我去category\\uu和的原因。

\'cat\' => \'4,6\' // will show a post with category 4 even if 6 isn\'t present
我可以编写一个条件来检查$category 但这似乎没有必要,我想我忽视了一些东西。

1 个回复
最合适的回答,由SO网友:David Gard 整理而成

你可以使用tax_query 来解决这个问题。

我想46 只是类别,因此您可能需要在$tax_query 数组,而不是声明它,但请告诉我们这是否是一个问题。记住这一点relation => \'AND\' 必须包含。

$tax_query = array(
    relation => \'AND\',
        \'taxonomy\'          => \'category\',
        \'field\'             => \'term_id\',   // \'term_id\' by default, so just here as an example
        \'terms\'             => $cat,
        \'include_children\'  => false,       // true by defualt
        \'operator\'          => \'IN\'         // \'IN\' by default, so just here as an example
        \'taxonomy\'          => \'category\',
        \'terms\'             => $cat2,
        \'include_children\'  => false,       // true by defualt
一旦设置好$tax_query 根据需要,只需将其添加到查询中,以及所需的任何其他参数,如下所示-

\'tax_query\' => $tax_query
查看类参考WP_Query 有关更多详细信息-http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query#Taxonomy_Parameters

更新OP建议$cat 实际上可能包含多个类别,而不是仅包含一个类别,因此下面的代码(未测试)应考虑到这一点,同时仍使用查询的“tax\\u query”参数。

/** Ensure that \'$cat\' is cast as an array */
if(!is_array($cat) && !empty($cat))
    $cat = explode(\',\', $cat);
/** Ensure that \'$cat2\' is cast as an array */
if(!is_array($cat2) && !empty($cat2))
    $cat2 = explode(\',\', $cat2);
/** Create a single array of all categories */  
$cats_array = $cat + $cat2

/** Create the \'$tax_query\' variable and cast it as an array */
$tax_query = array();

/** Add each category to the \'tax_query\' */
if(!empty($cats_array)) : foreach($cats_array as $single_cat) :

        $tax_query[] = array(
            \'taxonomy\'          => \'category\',
            \'terms\'             => $single_cat,
            \'include_children\'  => false,       // true by defualt

/** Check to see if there is more than one category within the \'tax_query\' and if so set the relation to \'AND\' */
if(count($tax_query) > 1)
    $tax_query[\'relation\'] = \'AND\';
这里唯一要注意的是你应该检查一下if(!empty($tax_query)) 将其添加到查询之前。

